Bellingen Poets in Nimbin 2010

Bellingen Poets in Nimbin 2010
Taking Home The World Cup!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Mentor

© Copyright Stephen Grey, 2009

Oh to whom I am so grateful
For the small examples shown by to you to me
In those earlier years; which have now grown into Great signs
too large not to plainly see.

It was you dear woman who planted
the seeds that grew and
I who grew alongside them;
and with them so totally enchanted

Could I but see you now
And talk with you somehow
we would agree on so much;
I being nurtured early by your touch.

The examples you set
with your integrity;Your firm behavior.
These my dear Aunt have and still are
My most powerful medicine;My saviour

Your sharp dry humour, precise and sometimes slicing wit
Your quest for knowledge ;your vast storehouse of it
If I could use just one single word
to describe all you have vested in me
it is that omnipresent and most precious gift
A love of Quality.

It wasn’t only the words you spoke
and the many fantastic works you wrote
It was the way you dressed;the way you held yourself;
The endless battles over quality you fought
despite the ones that came to nought.

The way you celebrated individual company.
Young and unimportant tho’ I was.. even me
The exquisite wine we drank that memorable night
before my first ever flight alone
into the big world by me then unknown
Hour after hour
Never a drop wasted or sour.

How did you know these things so well?
This to me you did not tell.
But you showed me the path to follow.
Perhaps this is how it always was and will be
for our lives to be more joy than sorrow.

The old it seems teach the young
not only in words but literally;
to lead lives of high quality.
and it is for this Dear Godmother
I now thank you so vigorously
Now further toward the end of my day
Je comprend.It’s not only about how much one does
it’s about “le Qualite”.

It’s about the determination to find the best
To leave aside the rest
To laud and respect the good work of others;
To give precise credit but only when it’s due
And spending hours to find that one particular
brandy that really makes a heavenly roman stew
And to cook it those 6 long patient hours
even if only a meal for two

Memories are made of this ;This Qualite
The French whose food and wine you so loved would perhaps say Verite.
“The truth” the best is indeed not so hard to find
so today I say to you with much love
”Thank you “ you have been most kind”

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